
A team from Munich Technical University designed a computer chip that efficiently implements post-quantum encryption. These chips may protect against future pirate attacks via quantum computers.

Researchers have integrated trojans into the chip to study ways to detect this type of “malware starting with the chip factory.”Pirate attacks on industrial operations are no longer science fiction but far from it. Attackers can steal information about factory production operations or even close entire factories.

To prevent this, communication between single-chip components encrypts. Still, many encryption algorithms will become ineffective shortly, as already established processes resist attacks launched using current computer technologies. Will become unprotected compared to quantum computers, essential for long-life equipment such as industrial facilities.

Security experts worldwide are developing “post-quantum encryption” technology standards, a challenge to the enormous processing power of encryption methods. And a team led by Munich technical university’s professor of information security George Siegel has designed a highly efficient post-quantum encryption chip.

Flexibility Across Hardware And Software Post-Quantum Encryption Chip

professor Siegel and his team have taken a data design-based approach between hardware and software, complementing specialized components and control software. Professor Siegel comments: “our segment is the first post-quantum encryption chip that relies entirely on the common design approach for hardware and software.”

“This nearly doubles the speed at encryption using the camper. One of the most promising candidates for post-quantum encryption. Compared to chips that rely entirely on software solutions, which is semi-flexible and consumes about eight times less energy.”

Relying On An Open Source Standard

The chip represents an integrated application circuit. This type of specialized micro-control is often manufactured in large numbers according to corporate specifications. The Munich university team has modified the design of an open-source chip based on the open-source risk-5 standard. Employing an increasing number of chipmakers.

And may replace monopolistic software owned by giant companies in many areas, quickly modifying the processor core and modifying instructions for the necessary calculations, facilitating the potential for post-quantum encryption for a chip.

The design also includes a purpose-built computer hardware accelerator, which supports network-based quantum post-encryption algorithms such as Kaepernick and can also work with the saic algorithm. Which requires much greater computing power.

According to the team, the chip developed at the University of Munich can perform saic 21 times faster than chips using software-based encryption only. Saic is the most promising alternative when network-based methods become unsafe. And this type of precaution makes sense in applications where chips are used for long periods.

Trojans Avoid Post-Quantum Encryption

besides increasing conventional attacks, another potential threat is the trojans. Computer chips are generally manufactured according to corporate specifications in specialized factories. If the attackers succeed in planting a trojan circuit in the chip’s design before or during the manufacturing phase.

This could have serious consequences. In the case of external pirate attacks, entire factories can be closed or production secrets are stolen. And trojans integrated into the device can avoid post-quantum encryption.

“We still know very little about how actual attackers employ trojans, and to develop preventive measures. We need to think like an attacker and try to develop and hide our trojans,” Siegel explains. so we developed four devices containing trojans in the post-quantum segment, each working in a completely different way.”

The Slides Tested And Then Disintegrated.

In the coming months, Professor Siegel and his team will extensively test chip encryption capabilities, detect the trojans included in the gear. And then damage the chip for research purposes. First, the circle paths will gradually cut in a complex process while each layer photographing in a row. Then, experiment with new machine learning methods developed to rebuild the exact functions of chips even if documents are not available.

“Reconstructions may help detect chip components that perform functions unrelated to the actual functions of the chip. Which may have infiltrated the design, and processes such as ours may become the standard for random sampling in large chip orders,” says Siegel. in addition to effective post-quantum encryption. This may help us make devices safer in industrial facilities and cars.”