
One of the most disturbing things you may encounter while working is a slow-responding website, not only for humans but also for search engines that exclude those sites from search results. Here are some tips you can do to avoid disturbing your site’s visitors:

1. Simplify Code for the Website

Programmers make building a website a relatively straightforward process. a ready-made template set will help you design your site quickly. Still, these templates have one flaw and may include a messy symbol that may slow down your location.

You can remove all unnecessary code and coordinate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files to overcome that problem. This process is called “minified” You can use simple online tools such as Will Peavy’s minified to help you get started. In addition, WordPress users can also use the autoptimize plugin to make the process simple.

2. Site Compression for the Website

It won’t take long for websites to become large and heavy. All photos, text, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files rapidly grow in size. One of the best mechanisms for speeding up websites is to enable compression using Gzip. It will reduce the response to the HTTP protocol and minimize response time.

You’ll need to enable the appropriate compression unit in the webserver before allowing it to edit the website with htaccess file editing. Steps vary by the webserver.

3. Improve And Adjust Images

Images are among the heaviest parts of websites, and the slower element is usually uploaded.
Instead of expanding large images via HTML, you can resize all images on your site to a suitable size.

You can keep a list of photo sizes for different items on your site to ensure that pixels don’t load more than you need. If you have a website with many photos, you should also consider compressing them. Standard tools for this purpose are reSmush.

This tool works with all standard content management systems (CMS), and there is also a Linux CLI-compatible version of image compression for use on fixed sites. You can also use to compress multiple images.

4. Slow Multimedia Download for the Website

The slow download means that photos, videos, and iframes frames are uploaded as soon as the user passes at the bottom of the page to see them. It may improve page load time.

Previously, this method was implemented using JavaScript, and slow download was not integrated into web browsers.

Currently, WordPress users have many options, including Lazy Load by WP Rocket and A3 Lazy Load, designed for mobile devices.

5. Use Social Media Sharing Links

Currently, each of us needs to share our content on social media. With HTML, you can take advantage of link-creating tools like Free Share Link Generator that help you create sharing links to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest without relying on iframes or JavaScript.

In addition, WordPress users do not suffer from a lack of plugins that they can use for this purpose, including Social Warfare and Grow. Twenty ways to speed up your website – slow-responding sites – reduce site pressure – increase the speed of websites – databases

6. Uninstall Useless Plugins

A content management system like WordPress may have a lot of plugins that can add proper functionality to your site. However, having a lot of extensions can slow down your site, so you have to run the plugins you need.

Not all extensions are designed with the same quality. You can speed up your site by replacing slow extensions with faster alternatives. GTmetrix analyzes your site for free, shows you a quiet list of attachments, and suggests replacing them, especially if you’ve been called with a lighter alternative several times.

WordPress users can also use Query Monitor to perform a detailed analysis of the additions used on their website. Of course, remember to remove the query monitor plugin itself when you’re done with it.

7. Reduce Redirects for the Website

Redirects are often necessary when moving and deleting pages, which is the best way to eliminate issues with disabled links. Although type 301 redirects are better than 404 errors, they are not ideal, slowing down the time it takes for your browser to reach the correct version of the page. You can use Screaming Frog’s bulk redirect checker to analyze redirects on your site and try to reduce their use.

8. Make Fewer HTTP Requests

Reducing HTTP requests is an excellent way to improve your site. Each item you add to the page translates to the HTTP request. As the number of requests, your browser has to make increases, the time the page is loaded increases. Although it takes some time, reducing the number of applications is very impressive.

9. Place Css Before Code for the Website

Page order and code affect how the site is loaded. Therefore, you should always put your CSS at the top in the (head) section. It allows the browser to download your CSS, so users can see the content when you download your site.

Javascript must be at the end of the order because browsers need to analyze Javascript first before you can move on to the next step. If code is placed before actual content, users will be on a blank page when JavaScript that you can turn on.

10. Use The Old Method If Possible

Using a programming language like PHP, you can do things that are impossible with HTML. However, PHP processing takes longer than HTML analysis, so avoid requesting information with PHP if HTML can be used.

Similarly, it’s not always good to use the import CSS mechanism to include external page patterns on web pages instead of link HTML. While both achieve the same purpose, importing CSS uses more resources than a direct link to your designs.

11. Enable Buffering for the Website

When you visit a website, all items on the page you can store on the hard drive in a temporary storage area called cache. This process is beneficial because, in subsequent visits, your browser will contact the page from the cache without having to send another HTTP request to the server.

If you turn on WordPress, you can use extensions such as the w3 Total Cache plugin to enable cache. In addition, if you have a static HTML site, you can allow buffering using Expires header in your htaccess file. Once enabled, the Expres header will save time to download cached files and help reduce the number of HTTP requests.

12. Clean Up Databases

Suppose you use CMS such as WordPress or Joomla to host your site. While installing – any addition or removal of plugins, creating and updating publications and installing upgrades, … The database running cms will be complete and slow. You should regularly use the WP-Optimize plugin to clean the database to avoid this.

13. Block Hotlinking Quick Link

hotlinking occurs when someone directly displays a picture from your site using the web link. The extraction of images from the primary website server in each download.

You have several options to prevent quick linking: Many well-known hosts offer a switch in the administration interface to prevent fast linking, and there are additional WordPress components like All In One Security & Firewall that will protect against quick link, and finally, you can add instructions in your htaccess file.

14. Activate The Keep-In Feature

The web server and client device exchange keep alive messages, allowing the same TCP connection for the HTTP conversation instead of opening a new message with each new request. Keep Alive, also known as permanent communication, helps reduce the arrival time of subsequent requests.

Unfortunately, most hosting companies disable this feature, especially in co-hosting. Settings control is better implemented by modifying the web server, but you can bypass the server’s default settings by adding some lines of software in your htaccess file.

15. Increase WordPress Speed

WordPress has many add-ons to improve performance, helping to improve the website. First, it’s smelly with perf matters that contain many standard performance acceleration tools. The advantage of this addition is that most of its optimization technologies are displayed via a simple user interface, making them easy to use.

16. Install Google Pagespeed Tool

It is a collection of open-source forms for Apache and Nginx web servers and helps improve your site by implementing some of the most effective performance improvement technologies. You can download and install structures on your web server if you own this tool. Otherwise, you’ll have to look for a hosting provider.

Web hosts usually offer this with first-class hosting plans. Although some like GoDaddy install it on their Linux hosting servers.

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