
As we progress in creating a virtual world in a technological sense in multiple ways, computer engineers, technology specialists and psychologists design virtual environments that simulate real situations. Those environments may provide a real sense of integration.

Dark City and the matrix we set in the worlds whose inhabitants do not realize they live in a virtual space. For them, everything seems tangible, and they don’t understand that everything they see, whether it’s food, clothes, buildings or even other people, is just parts of organized data that are designed to mimic reality.

But what about our world? is it hypothetical?

We recognize the world based on the senses, and according to the philosopher David Hume, all human knowledge stems from perception rather than reason. We collect information through sight, smell, hearing, touch and tasting, and our brains explain the world around us using these inputs, creating an experience that we call reality.

But is what we see really? Or does the fact that all this data should pass through our brain filter means that the world we are testing is just a representation of what exists? On the other hand, it may mean that we all inhabit our virtual worlds all the time, and we don’t even need a computer to get there.

This idea is not new. Philosophers have discussed the nature of perception and reality for hundreds of years, and part of the problem lies in our minds that they are not infallible but, in fact, easily deceived. Illusion or hallucinations may fool us by making us think we are aware of something that is not real, and a simple example of this is the forced perspective.

For instance, objects closest to the observer appear to be larger than distant objects due to correctly framing the angle of view. The observer can be deceived by making him think that the person closest to the observer’s point of view is more extended than someone else standing away.

If Our Minds Are So Quickly Stepping Out, Is What We See Really?

Arguments of illusion and hallucinations:

The controversy stemming from illusion is a set of ideas that suggest that what we see is not valid, and we will present you with a simplified version of the argument with an example:

Bob stays in a room, looking at what looked like a blue box placed behind a glass wall. In bob’s mind, that body is classified, with a specific shape: a television, a particular colour: blue.

But in fact, we find that the box is just a folded piece of cardboard on the mirror, which explains why it gives the appearance of the box. in addition, the cartoon is white, but it focuses on a blue light on the carton that gave it its blue impression.

This example shows that bob thought of seeing an object when he looked at something else. The argument stemming from the illusion is that because bob is unable to find a way to distinguish between what he sees and what is accurate, we can conclude that there is no way to verify that anything we see is not just an illusion. Our point of view is what some philosophers call “naïve realism”.

The hallucinogenic argument is similar to the previous one. Suppose a subject can create a state or object by hallucinogenic to look real but does not exist in isolation. In that case, the perception is unreliable and, in fact, inconsistent. Not all philosophers believe in the validity of this argument, and many face a problem assuming that such hallucinations are genuinely possible and indistinguishable from natural perception.

The Debate Continues In Philosophical Circles about Virtual World

The debate continues in philosophical circles as to whether perception and reality are identical. We know it’s easy to fool the brain. As witches and wise people rely on that fact to earn a living. But does that mean we can’t rely on the mind?

If our minds are unreliable and the reality as we understand it is simply a shared hallucination, is the answer important? If what you see as a bench is the same thing everybody sees as a table. Is there a difference if the item is a chair?

While this example seems to oversimplify the problem. It sets a good standard. If our perception of the world depends entirely on our interpretation of sensory inputs, can’t that be counted as a fact for us?

The realist may say that without the ability to emerge from human experience and objectively perceive reality. It is impossible to say that what we thought was represented the actual reality. It is impossible to wake up from the shared dream or get out of the matrix.

This means that we are always caught in an illusion or that our perceptions match reality. And there is no illusion in the first place. Perception and reality are one thing for us.

Creating Virtual World

As we progress in creating virtual worlds in a technological sense in multiple ways, computer engineers, technology specialists. And psychologists design virtual environments that simulate real situations. Those environments may provide a real sense of integration.

People may not think this virtual environment is the real world. Still, they tend to learn their rules and adapt to them to start acting as if they were real. Obtaining honest physiological reactions to virtual stimuli. However, most of them are still fully aware of their existence only in simulations.

It is no secret that we are also witnessing developments in augmented reality. We create a layer of data and interactions we see around us with colossal facts over the world.

Then, using devices like smartphones, we can see the world around us and get additional data. An excellent example of this is the Monocle feature of the iPhone Yelp app. And soon the iPhone camera goes to the shops, the notes appear on the screen. And your perception of the world swells instantly.

As we find new ways to visualize and interact with the world around us based on technology, we may separate ourselves further from our reality. in fact, we feel safe when we say that we live within virtual certainty.

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